Texture brings a room to life like nothing else. The professionals fuse with aplomb, marrying leather with brick, silk with wool, raffia with glass. So aim for contrast: say, smooth floors with rough walls, grainy chenille cushions with velvet blankets, thick wool with thin muslin. Soft furnishings are the five minute face lift of the decorating world, instantly perking up your home with an array of different textures. They are also a room's ultimate indulgence: think softest merino wool throws, slub linen curtains, super shiny satin cushions and worn leather pouffes. Increase the tactile possibilities by clustering in groups or leave as stand alone statement pieces for additional emphasis and arrange by theme, colour or scale.
The image below illustrates brilliantly the layering effect - textiles layered on throws along with accessories and personal mementos. Soft furnishings are the quickest way of adding texture yet its touches like these that make a room feel welcoming and complete.
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