Big Ideas Small Budget
This months interior mags are awash with ideas for filling your pad with stuff that makes you happy - whether that's personal photographs, books, a favourite toy its all about bringing your room alive with objects that lift your spirits and add intrigue and interest
For me books/magazines and a rag tag collection of art (often picked up in from ebay, etsy or flea markets) bring my space alive. You don't need a grand display of books - magazines arranged in aesthetically pleasing rhythms do the job - its all about how the eye flows from one object to the next. This is what gives a home a heart and a soul.
[caption id="attachment_476" align="aligncenter" width="497" caption="Photography Graham Atkins Hughes"][/caption]
Stacks of magazines on tables, books piled onto window sills and under tables create an unpredictable effect. They don't look unsightly or muddled because they are arranged in a way that taunts the eye - the height of the stacks are all similar in each grouping which helps eliminate the clutter bug effect.
Stacks of books and black and white photographs create interesting decorative details. Am loving black and white photography right now in fact my sisters boyfriend has just purchased for me a print by JR which I cannot wait to get on my walls. I think the moody vibe of the photography creates a soft layer to walls.