Setting the scene
Having trouble sleeping these last couple of nights - two much on the mind me thinks plus Maud my puppy has taken to sleeping across my neck -which is not the most comfortable (for me at least). The good thing about insomnia (and here's hoping its very short term) is that my mind starts working away on all things design. I am about to relocate my bedroom down a floor so in the small hours of the night starting compiling a wish list in my mind of what makes a fab bedroom. Don't freak but I think I want to paint the walls black and possibly the floors. Then I want a super cool chandelier (have ordered one from South Africa for the store and its beyond tempting to steal in and take it home). Texture and lots of yummy throws are important as is low level lighting, scented candles and a fire.
Two images below which I have pulled I want my room  either going super glam and sexy or a bit of rough luxe - haven't made up my mind - love both.
Liking the boho feel - quirky yet individual.
Super sexy and glamourous - love the dark intimate feel - hoping against hope that the throws on the bed are faux and not real.