I was thinking we are a bit like mixologists when I say we I mean anyone who likes combining oddball pieces in winningly enchanting combinations. This approach to interior design is thank god becoming more and more popular. Adding the odd tatty, gritty old find next to something luxurious is what its all about. Lets call it shabbalism (loving that word) it can be a whole new hip interiors phrase.To make it work though we need to decorate with panache and personality , we need to mix things in enchanting combinations - as without mixing our homes can look naked and un loved. Serene, sensual with a dash of drama is always in the back of my mind when designing. Layering interesting art on walls with quirky accessories you love will give you this look - expensive or cheap it doesn't matter what does it that you find the items you have beautiful and that they mean something its as simple as that.
Two images below convey his brilliantly - now I must dash tomorrow I being filmed for a short little segment in an tv programme and I am spending the whole day and possibly the whole night if the look isn't instantly successful in the hairdressers!