Alternative wallpaper
Bus roll signs used as wallpaper is a fab way of embellishing walls. Its quirky and whimiscal, decorative and beautiful. My sister used it in her bedroom (image below) and Martin Thompson has used it in his NY pad. You can get them on ebay or through various stores or pick them up at flea markets. The great thing is unlike wallpaper you don't want that much of it - a couple of rolls with some interesting text looks sassy and fantastic. So I leave you with these two images - whilst I scrabble around finding who knows what to wear. Am late for a meeting need to wear heels but looking outside I should be in ski boots and thermals. Hey ho need a personal stylist to dress me each day - will save the floor being covered in clothes and the air turning blue.
Happy weekend everyone x
I love this apartment if I ever ever relocate to NY then this is how I want to live!
Gem's pad - the bus roll wallpaper looks fab and totally embellishes the walls