Hotels to inspire

When in NY (and this is the last post I will do about the city as am sure I am boring the pants off everybody) I discovered an area I had not previously known before. The bowery previously ungentrified gritty and grimy all the things I love has now gone all upmarket helped by the opening of the Bowery Hotel. Think high end boho – tatty gorgeous tapestry rugs, zinc bars, high backed chairs, andcarved panels think shabby English country pad It all felt very homely and snug, whenever I am in a city I love snooping out the newest and latest hotel to get ideas and inspiration. Not so sure Graham was on the same thought path but some super doper cocktail after a day pavement pounding was just what the doctor ordered for the pair of us. Enough yabbering from me am late already - check out this place indisputably chic - you want to linger for several rounds, people watch, read the NY Times and do anything to stay as long as you possibly can. Does anyone need anymore convincing about how dark spaces are really the only way to go?!!

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