Gosh look at the time not quite sure where the morning has gone - apologises for this very very late post. Today is a home day (yay) and its sunny which means I keep looking down at the garden wishing I could sit under my lilac tree and read a novel. But I can't we have matters to discuss and the day to get on with.
Yesterday I met the most charming couple of Parisians who were adorable, loved the store and thought it was a very good idea to open in Paris. Would LOVE to open a store in Paris its been on my mind for a bit now as I think our look is quite French and we seem to be sending tons of stuff that way. So part of my day no doubt will be pondering such thoughts. I'm researching accessories right now for Christmas and know I have nailed it when I want to take it home instantly. Two details from my house (excuse the christmas decs am right in the throws of thinking christmas right now so its playing heavily on my mind). First up a detail of my office - crows and poodles everywhere and then a lifestyle detail of my shelf with piles of odds and sods as they say.
Happy Friday
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Detail of my desk behind me the balcony with garden right below - somewhat distracting I must admit because I all the time want to be outside

Old mags, invites, t-lights and the odd deer adorn my shelf.