LA Cool

The great thing about this job of mine is that I am always discovering something new - the latest Commune Design a design practice in LA. Not quite sure if I have been sleeping under a rock as they haven’t been on my radar – but now bookmarked and flagged for inspiration. Their vibe is somewhat European – laid back and layered combining a liveable mix of stuff with particular attention given over to organic textures. They cleverly  mingle eras and proportions and layer their designs with witty unexpected surprises (always a good thing in my book). Have been wondering if it’s a reaction to minimalism (how Commune design and how I design) or whether it’s just the sign of the times we happen to be living in. I, my clients and customers if I dare speak for them crave items that haven’t been so processed and so seen before. We want individual, unique spaces that reflect who we are. In my book you can only achieve that by looking into the past to see the future. I leave you with a couple of inspirational images from Commune.  Its an ungodly hour but I am off the to gym to lift weights with my trainer  (ugg – he’s tough).

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