A sense of fun

Again apologises for lack of posting last week  - mostly spent in Amsterdam on a buying trip. Amsterdam is a pretty inspiring space - teeny tiny and easy to navigate. The Dutch are pretty well known for their design think Marcel Wanders and Moooi, Frozen Fountain and of course Droog. Whilst alot of it is not exactly my cup of tea I very much love  their nod to the quirky. I have said it before and will say it again good taste is pretty pointless without an element of fun. The trick I think is to subtly introduce humourous touches to a space so it's not all out crazy. Hence our new lighting collection with its whimiscal touch - hoping a week or so away until the first prototypes come through the door - I am guessing its similar to having a child - the wait is excrutating and these last few weeks have felt like years. The difference being if I don't like back it goes to the potter to get re-done - guessing one can't do that with a child right? Anyway am late as usual,  Maud has just left for school without kissing me good bye had to run after her to remind her - she has sat against the front door with her nose pressed to the door waiting to escape for the last hour.  Haven't spell checked any of this so again sorry. Below is an image of some lighting that has been around for yonks but has that British sense of fun about it. Sweet in a little nook or above a table I am thinking. Happy Monday

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