Outdoor Rooms

Graham and I are having a bit of a domestic   - working together and living together when one of us is super tidy (moi) and the other the messiest person in the universe is causing all sorts of problems. So I have come up with a solution and it’s a fabulous one if I say so myself. I think Graham should relocate his office to the garden and before all the in-laws start calling me up thinking how terribly mean I am listen to this. Plus (this is a very important point) this idea will in the long term (say 25 years) be far cheaper than my running to the pharmacy every day buying migraine pills because 2 weeks of breakfast bowls, papers, clothes, drills and paint are preventing me in even getting thru the door of his office!! So the plan is a Hermit Cabin,  cosy the year round (so no getting back into the house in the winter honey) its 7m2 which means there is no room for clutter. It’s constructed from the loveliest old barn timber. If we want it can be fitted up with a wood stove as well as a bed, chair, table, closet plus shelves. You can also buy into a textiles package consisting of curtains, throws etc etc. So solution solved - just need to convince Graham its a good idea. Sweet, sweet, sweet. This could make such a fabulous home office in the garden or anywhere for that matter.

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