The London Design Festival

The London Design Festival kicks off tomorrow and we will be show casing the art and lighting we launched  in Paris a few weeks back. We have been overwhelmed and so delighted at the response from retailers, interior designers and  press and so are filled with huge excitement at introducing the collection to the public. Here are some inspiration shots of our lighting range shot in my pad to wet your appetite.  I must admit that they are still hanging out a home can't bear to part with them, its caused a few domestic's we don't have that many in stock and really they should be doubling up in the store so my husband tells me a zillion times a day - but hey there has to be some advantages of being your own boss, no? [caption id="attachment_1321" align="aligncenter" width="223" caption="Photography Graham Atkins Hughes"][/caption] I need two of these either end of the console but I think I might have to just wait and be patient for our potters in Stoke,  who if you reading this please get potting the orders are piling up. [caption id="attachment_1322" align="aligncenter" width="223" caption="Photography Graham Atkins Hughes"][/caption] I love these guys - currently hanging out on my mantle piece nose to nose. The British bull dog super butch but sporting a taffeta silk shade edged in purple trim not quite so scary - a little more barking

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