Tartan and other things

Firstly the hugest hugest thank you for everyone ‘s feedback on my next product line.  Candlesticks it is, all your comments pretty much nailed what I had been thinking and although I love vases my heart says they should remain simple and classic and let the flowers do the talking. I may change my mind but I know with all the Adler vases we have in the store I personally prefer them flowerless.  Will keep you posted on the process (its rather a long one) and again thank you much appreciated. I am sure many of you have come across the online magazine www.ruemag.com packed full to brim of fabulous images and inspirational ideas. One such feature in the recent issue was on tartan and I simply had to post about it. No longer just confined to bagpipe players tartan is fabulous in an interior particularly if used sparingly for maximum impact. Mulberry and Mr Lauren have been selling it for years but now some new boys are on board including Marcel Wanders with his fab wallpaper for Graham and Green. If you overdo it on the tartan front it has a tendency to look and feel kitsch (and whilst there is nothing wrong with kitsch) interiors need to look beautiful not overtly camp in my humble opinion. So for the holiday season when it really comes into its own – consider tartan tablecloth, tartan trays even draught excluders (who says they have to be boring)! Designer Nina Campbell is a great fan sighting it as ‘cosy, stylish and wonderfully unisex’. Some images below from Rue Magazine The devil as they say is in the detail the and tartan coupled with stripes and a checker board floor looks fabulous in this space. Just beautiful makes me want to jump on a train to Scotland - potter around the highlands, sip whisky and chill.

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