Roll Up
Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday had an early start off to the depths of the country. We are working with a circus which is going to be fabulous fun and will tell more about it in the new year as the project progresses. Now of course all I can think about is the circus and the wagons the artists live in for 5 to 6 months of the year travelling the country. Far more than purely utilitarian they are homes loved and cherised and no matter how small your pad you can make it as fabulous as anything by being a tad creative and adding intrigue and depth through layering.
Now I have used this image before and excuse me for using again. Its Lorraine Kirk's house in New York which we shot for my book and for me it pretty much nails how to layer a space beautifully. Many of the pieces the art, the lamps the furniture Lorraine picked up from flea markets and antique stores - its a magpie approach with nothing matching but yet it works so magnificently. I hope this image inspires to up the quantity of lamps - they add such atmosphere especially at this time of year where we want our houses to feel cosy and snug. Plus the layering of the wall with books, paintings the odd mirror - its a hodge podge approach but the casualness makes it far more compelling in my book than a galleryesq arrangement. Happy Tuesday I am off to think, draw and dream of the circus