Adding grandeur to your backyard
With the weather being so fabulous its time to concentrate on the back yard as they say over the pond. Our outside spaces really should be as fabulous as our inside ones and yet often times I find they are sadly neglected. Plastic furniture isn't great unless of course its on trend and its Stark's toy chair for example (super cool when hanging out against an old wooden table) or Marc Newson's lounging chairs which I have by my outdoor firepace.. The cheap green or white things you pick up at garden centers should be avoided at all costs. Flea markets are a great resource for picking up little wooden slated chairs, metal chairs and tables.
Talking of tables again if you can avoid the plastic option please do -Â a big old slab of wood plonked on a trestle is a fabulous alternative or if you are DIY inclined old floor boards slated together makes for a beautiful rustic option. T-lights are fabulous for tables (those glass French yoghurt pots make for excellent t-lights and are super sweet wrapped with twine or wire and suspended from trees). Old chandeliers are great to suspend outside, I am on the hunt and for special occasionals layer rugs and textiles to surprise your guests.
Perfect for lunch time or evening lingering. Treat your outdoor spaces as you would your indoor that way you will want to hang out in the garden way longer. It sounds crazy (it is crazy) but when we first revamped our outside with a fireplace moose light and ton of other stuff we sat outside under umbrella's eating supper with the fire alight and freezing cold. Heavenly - well I thought it was everyone else abondoned me half way through - wimps that they are!