Making magic happen
First on this morning's agenda a link to the Anne Frank Trust - who are holding an online auction to which I have denoted my time and our design service, bidding I think I am right in saying closes Monday and there is a ton of fab things to choose from.
Have been up since the early hours unable to sleep with a thumping headache (guess thats the detox kicking in) so lit the teeniest, tiniest fire just to take the chill off the night air and have been at the drawing board ever since. Yesterday wasted 12 hours working on the new collection then scrapped it all in the evening hating the whole thing. The fabulous thing about interiors these days is that anything goes there are no hard and fast rules nothing matches (thank God) and often times European traditional hangs out with eclectic boho partnered with a big dash of soft edged modernism. Its what makes design so fun but designing a collection a little bit of a nightmare. Anyways we are not here to discuss my problems (of which there are many) we are here to create fabulous interiors that make our hearts beat just that little bit faster.
Informal, laid back, relaxed with a smidge of edgy glamour thrown into the mix are my kind of interiors. The image below pretty much nails this look (ignore if you will the pale walls) instead focus on the casualness of the design. A heap of books, fab art, beautiful beautiful sofas plus a lovely rug skimming the floor - simple but then you don't need tons of stuff when you nail it you nail it and magic starts to happen.