Latest news

Lots to tell this Friday morning first up  our sale is now on. Yay! The biggest deal is on our dog lights, all the seconds that is with discounts from 15%, 30% to a whopping 65%! Secondly we have a new facebook page to enable us to do lots of new stuff including a fab new Style Surgery feature - you guys can tell us your stylistic dilemmas and we will shall solve them,   more on that on Monday. Not to mention competitions, cool insider tips and so much more.. We are also on foursquare, and twitting with advanced notice on discounts and deals. Finally Maud (my dog) will be posting from time to time with her own little posts called Maud's Musings. We were in the bookshop the other day and she spied a book by a fellow canine called My Name is Moose and got a little jealous to say the least so I said she could have her own postings from time to time seeing how she lives, breaths, and sleeps all things Atelier! When she is not sleeping that is like now ! Oh and one more thing on our facebook page we will be talking flowers,  ALOT, clustering big blousy blooms faux or otherwise in fabulous pots vintage or modern or even on candlesticks as I am doing below. Happy weekend - not quite so happy when you are on a detox but 3 weeks and counting and then the hugest bowl of stringy fries in the Spotted Pig in NY is my current plan!!

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