Choosing a name
Need to ask you guys for help. We are getting a baby brother for Maud (she doesn't know yet) and we can't decide on the name. Two choices Mutley or Mungo Graham hates both and came up with some silly accountant type names (don't get me started) so I've whittled it down to these two names.
Little Mungo or Mutley is a 7 month old mini schnauzer, he is a rescue given up because of separation issues apparently he barks continually when left. Not much chance of that happening with Maud, G and I are working from home so hopefully very soon he will be able to enjoy happy days. We leave super early tomorrow morning to go and introduce the two of them and if they both get on back he comes with us.
At the moment on twitter and fb preferred name is Mutley. What do you guys think?