Late late late late this morning, not used to a house with two dogs one of which is full of life jumping off of sofas, tables and who knows what else. Maud is not impressed and has mixed reactions about our new edition, hoping beyond hope it will sort itself out.They play together beautifully but she has started attacking other dogs when we are walking with them both on leads - a little troubling to say the least. Anyways Mungo is super sweet and beyond affectionate and loves cuddles, Maud loves the odd cuddle but not with Mungo in on the act as to.
Down to business thank you to everyone who has booked in for my masterclasses, amazing reaction thank you again will be adding a few more dates as they seem to have very nearly sold out which is so exciting. I now have a list as long as my arm of all the revamps that have to be done to the house before you guys arrive. Graham is turning grey at the thought because the list is getting longer and longer it started off one page long and now its three - goes a bit like this, paint banistairs,re paint hall, get more lighting for the garden, create a chandelier from t-lights to hang over the outside table, repaint the kitchen, re paint outside (next door but one are renovating so there is so much dust). Plant more stuff, sort out the tiles in the bathroom, get Mungo and Maud to the hairdressers (get myself to the hairdressers), buy more plates, cups etc etc. Bored yet?
I am trying to get Graham to panel the hall I think it could look really lovely - so a bit like this (see below) its relatively easy to undertake (she says) and adds oodles of style to transitional areas such as hallways especially if you paint it all out the same colour.
Not that Maud, Mungo or I would ever have hair looking so glossy and smooth as this fabulous dog - we all have messy, curly unruly hair - but as they say you can't have everything. Happy Monday - will post later new dates added to the masterclasses