Couple of cancellations on the 13th December for one of my masterclasses means there are a few spaces left. So if you want to up the style ratings in your pad for the holidays and learn some fab tricks of the trade you will need to either email or call the store (+44 207 354 8181, contact@atelierbypost.coom) to bag a place. They are limited as they are held in my home and as itâs the last one it might be a little boozy or loony or quite possibly both (just to warn)! Am off the West End on the search for glitter, hairspray and some deep dark roses all to be explained on the days -and very much look forward to meeting some of you guys soon.  Four days till the first one and I've still got the most of the house to paint, the loo to panel, Christmas trees to buy, mulled wine to make a truck load of logs to be delivered and Maud, Mungo and I an appointment with the hairdresser - since mine seems booked we might be doing a job lot at the groomers (just as well I don't have a beard otherwise that would be styled into the neatest little point like Maud's )!