Adding drama through wallpaper
A little run down today, tired, sore throat that sort of thing so I am feeling a little sorry for myself. Nothing that I am sure a fire a coffee and some sort of energy pill won't fix but its a sluggish start to my day. Enough about my moans and groans lets talk interiors.
I am a fan as I am sure you all know of personality laden rooms, rooms that feel lived in and cozy and you can't pull that look off unless you have stuff, and that takes time. Begining an art collection seeking out fab mirrors, scones for walls that sort of thing isn't something that happens overnight. However if you are impatient like me and want an instant wow factor in your room consider wallpaper. There are a few companies out there that not only have a fab archive (anything from the National Gallery to a comic strip) they will even bespoke any image you happen to have. So you can get blown up to exact proportions of your room any image you so desire.Surface View being one such company. The thing about wallpaper and I'm not talking the pretty floral stuff is it adds instant wow factor, texture and drama. Whether you paper your wall with old tomes as I have done or a wall full of logs or filing cabinets wallpaper adds instant personality, and its not as hard to put up as we all fear I can promise you that.
A short one from me this morning forgive the sluggishness - tomorrow I leave home at 5Â so no post from me I'm afraid but back Monday. Happy early weekend.