Caught up in the style trenches

Sometimes I wonder how different my life would be if I were not so obsessed with the interiors bug. The obsession I have with making a mark on my home or my client’s homes, or my obsession with having the coolest store in town is sometimes not good. Take the weekend for example we stumbled across some old beautiful wood from the River Stour (Constable country) at a reclamation yard. I asked the gentleman some details and he said someone else was interested, and whoever placed the order first bagged this beautiful amazing wood that literally took my breath away. When I stumbled upon it I kid you not I jumped skipped sang and was so so happy (Maud and Mung's also caught the excitement and raced, barked and yelped they didn’t know why) but hey we were one happy family, until I got the news that someone else was interested. What happened next I would admit was disgraceful. I speed out of there at break neck speed we literally ran down little cobbled London streets into the Merc shot through London like a bat out of hell to go measure my wall. I ran red lights, I had steam coming through the bonnet I tooted I yelled for everyone to get out of the way and raced back home. Charged up the stairs measured the wall called the reclamation yard, put in my order and way hey the wood is mine. AND RELAX. If I hadn't had been so obsessed I could of, as planned had a leisurely morning pottering around London  going to Borough market walking along the Thames to Green Park, you know normal stuff. But not to be the bug kicks in and then suddenly the whole weekend changes. For me cool interiors are all about those quirks we find (like my wood) that make a home distinctive, they animate a space and make it feel nourished. Its not about the latest coolest thing God no its about finding some beautiful beaten up old old wood that who knows Constable may have sat on and cladding a wall in it. That's my point I guess I hanker after spaces that aren't bland I want drama, texture, intrigue.  I want to surprise and delight myself and my guests and to do that you have to seek out the unusual.  All of those of you coming to the masterclass’s will I hate to say get dragged into my new bedroom for a minute’s silence to gasp at this amazing wood (presuming that is that the builders have finished by then). The image below has nothing to do with my wood but it has everything to do with my point. Everyone’s taste is different but those spaces I admire even if they are not exactly my cup of tea exude warmth, they feel lived in and loved.They have the odd flea market find next to some glamorous find and what is more they lift the spirits. That’s me done for the day Maud and Mung’s are off the school, the builders are in and I’m off to the store to change a few things around. Happy Monday.

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