Location Location Location
Its all about the location as they say so lots to tell on my locations for my international masterclasses. Lets firstly start with the Ace Hotel in NYC. If anybody is staying there like me during my NY masterclass in August then hold onto your seats - the Ace are giving us the most amazing deal, when you book, simply book using their on-line booking system acehotel.com/bookings and use this group code 1208ATELIE. Rooms from $199 a night normally these rooms are priced at $359. Thank you Ace amazing, oh I should say this deal is only available for the 3rd and 4th but if you want to stay longer like me please email us at contact@atelierbypost.com and we will see what we can do.
Next up confirmed locations in Australia for my masterclasses in October are as follows:
Melbourne October 13th- The Tea Room at the Melbourne Supper Club (had the pleasure of eating in that extraordinary place last July)
Sydney October 14th -Â Megan Morton's school, http://www.theschool.com.au, which I am hugely excited about, having been a big fan of Megan's work for some time now
Tomorrow the new Fall schedule of the Autumn classes in London goes live, more details on that tomorrow including the announcement of an exciting new course in an exciting fab new location.
Until tomorrow x