Living with Layers
Many moons again I came up with a title for a shoot I was art directing and styling for the British magazine Homes & Gardens and that was Living with Layers. Little did I know back then just how important layers would be to my style of interiors.
I think people stop decorating to soon, by that I mean when I walk into any room I donât want to clock it in an instant I want my eye to be a little bedazzled, a little confused, but also excited and stimulated all at the same time. I don't want to see a three piece matching set of furniture, a TV ,the odd occasional table and a pendant light, not enough its just not enough, it doesn't cut the mustard. Its a bit like cooking you need oil, a little seasoning some herbs in order to bring a dish alive, you don't just buy say some fish shove it in the oven and wham bam serve it. It needs a little work, as do our homes.
I get asked a lot about the dusting aspect, which is a very practical question when you have a lot of stuff but I'm not a practical designer. I hang chandeliers far to low causing many people in the household to get black eyes, I partner precariously tall big lamps on little ostrich tables, that look like they will topple and fall any moment. I use a dining chair as my office chair which is not as comfortable and makes me cramp up, but if I had an office chair its ugliness would cause a migraine (I am sure) and then I couldn't work so what may I ask would be that point of that?
So yes dusting is involved but I would rather live in a house with lots of stuff that requires a feather duster over it once a week then cut it down to the bare essentials so it would feel like I am living in some transient hotel. Simple as that, I leave you with an image full to the brim, some people might think they are over loaded. me I think they are kind of wonderful. You literally don't know where to look, its like wandering through a forest you can't see a clear path subconsciously your senses are activated and you're excited.
Right onwards and upwards, I have a project that needs finishing by tomorrow, a book to write, and a stand to design for Paris which is 2 weeks away, yada, yada, yada.