Real Time Decorating
Morning, I have to talk quietly as the whole house is sleeping, and for once not even aware I am and up and about, even Mung's which is incredibly unusual. Snug as a bug in a bed is he, and looking very adorable. Feels a bit like Christmas morning when you get up early to put the bird in the oven, and tiptoe around prepping for the day, wrapping presents not wanting to wake a soul.
A very big thank you to all of those who attended the master classes this past weekend it was a fabulous few days, I meet some great people, so thank you again guys for making it all so enjoyable.
Yesterday it rained all day, I know this is an odd thing to say but I kind of loved it, the light was so low and so soft, I lit zillions of candles, turned on every light, made a big fire, slow roasted some pork, baked an apple crumble, and snuggled into Nigel Slater's new book Kitchen Diaries 2. I am in love with Nigel, his food, the way he writes, his garden love love love him. In his intro he talks about cooking every dish as if its your last, giving it as much attention as you possibly can which made me think the very same goes for decorating. I get asked alot about whether my kind of style hinders houses when they are put on the market to sell, since I guess its not a conventional beige haze of blandness that many people buy into. I don't know is my answer I don't intend to sell this house, but even if I were to sell in a year or so it wouldn't stop me from decorating it now, in real time exactly the way I want to. I couldn't live in a house that was blandly decorated just because in a year or three of 20 I might sell it. I decorate for now, for today this morning, this evening, who knows whatâs going to happen tomorrow. So my advice, decorate for now, live in a home that you love now that you want to come home to, that you think about when you are out and about in town because its pulling at your heart strings, wanting you to return. Forget 2 year plans; 5 year plans and live in a space that makes you happy.
Like this home from the September issue from Vogue Living, I've yet to see the issue but just looking at this spread you can tell that whoever lives here loves their home. Its a home you want to come back to, filled with stuff that tantalises - its so easy to create spaces that raise the pulse all you need to do is decorate from the heart for now, today, this week, this month and forget next year, or the year after that. Real time decorating I'm gonna call it! Have a lovely Monday, busy one for me, catching up with a load of stuff I didn't get round to on the weekend.