Sneak Peak

Delighted to show you guys a first glimpse of my new book, Decorating with Style which I have to say I am enormously proud of. It's full to the brim of the coolest photography EVER by my best bud Graham Atkins Hughes, tons and tons of savvy tips, insider sources, speedy updates and sound practical advice for taking your pad to the next level. I'm decoding, demystifying and proving that interior design is enormous fun and you don't need a big budget to pull off jaw on the floor spaces. The most exciting thing, its launching in Australia next month at Decoration and Design where I'm the keynote speaker, so if you're in town I would love you to come along to the seminar I will be book signing and yabbering about interiors afterwards. In the UK I will be book singing in my store (and others) and will keep you posted on that. Anyone who has attended the Design Classes will be invited to a special VIP evening which we are in the process of organizing, more on that another day. Hope you guys love it as much as I do - here is a link to the blad which is publisher speak for a little taster of the book. Hope to see and speak to as many people as I can in Australia in February and London in March. Decorating with Style - UK Cover Abbi020_0433 Cover above,  and my new bedroom as seen in the book. Oh and back at midday with two flash sales as I missed one yesterday (the day got away with me). Correction I spent too long in Liberty’s sale buying up Prada boots which have been discounted beyond belief, which for the record was on the way to John Lewis to buy the milk frother that someone broke so there!

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