Creating jaw on the floor interiors

Yesterday was amazing.  My seminar  completely sold out, the queues ran the length of the Hall at Decoration + Design in the Sydney Exhibition Centre and the feed back was overwhelming. Thank you so much to everyone who came to the seminar and the book signings afterwards it was an incredible morning. I'm back again on Friday, book signing afterwards too and for more info see here...... I get asked alot if dark colours work in hot countries and I say yes they do. I personally love the contrast, and I'm a firm believer that if you ditch all those preconceptions like the location of the property the orientation of the property, the architecture even and just start afresh you are on your way to creating a pretty cool home. Rules, regs and barriers hinder us when it comes to decorating, so does discussing decorating ideas that are somewhat radical with family, friends even the Joneses down the road. My advice tell no one especially if you are going dark, keep it under wraps until the reveal and then watch the jaws hitting the floors! jenna Happy Decorating  

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