Trend Alert
At this time of year we here alot about trends. What's in whatâs out, things come, things go. For me a home that is 'hot' has got nothing to do with the latest, coolest something or other, a home that is hot has an air confidence about it, it packs a visual punch, stands out from the crowd and dares to be different.
Unlike fashion with interiors we're not over hauling our living rooms every six months because animal print is out and tapestry is in, with interiors we're constantly adding things or shuffling things around. Now as much as I don't follow trends I am aware of them, they seep into your consciousness and the next thing you know you'll be having supper in a restaurant like I was and suddenly blurting out 'I want to replace all the taps in my house with brass ones, I want brass splash backs, brass furniture, brass kitchen cabinets, a brass bed, brass wallpaper'. Out of nowhere this came, we were in the middle of discussing the economy I think! Â It starts having an effect, seeping into your consciousness and suddenly before you know it you're overloading on it and can't quite figure out how you lived without it. Some of our amazing new finds are starting to come into the warehouse (we're not putting them in the store yet as we are closing for a few days next week for a big over haul) and you know what quite a few of them are crafted from this most beautiful metal of the moment. Think beautiful wall lights, table lights, vases not forgetting our amazing pineapple sconces of course.
A brass image below to inspire, its such a warm material and no matter you're style, boho, classic, eclectic, rock n roll it works a treat:
Other trends worth taking note of; faux bois which I mentioned the other day showing up in surprising guises including furniture, crockery, wallpaper, fabric, carpets, you name it. Birds are big (didn't you know), green is huge (huge I am telling you), as is tribal motifs, exotic beasts, wallpaper. Itâs a minefield out there. I guess what I am trying to say in a round about fashion, don't dismiss trends, be aware of them, they can and will make you look at your space in a slightly different light and possibly introduce a new dimension. Only buy into what you love, after all the plan is to keep things until we are at least 90 right, at least that is my rule of thumb.
Wallpaper, chairs, rugs, high heels even (will I love until I'm 90) if so bag it, buy it and enjoy it!