Lots of thank you's

A big huge thank you from me to everyone who came to Anthropologie last night, it was such a fabulous evening. Anthropologie were amazing hosts (thank you guys) and the evening whizzed by in a second, I could have stayed forever. Thank you for listening, queuing up to buy the book (we sold zillions of copies) I am so over whelmed with the response to this second book its blown me completely away. I got to Anthropologie a little early and pottered around the store before everyone arrived. Lost time in the cookbook section (brought what Katie Eat) the photography and the recipes look amazing, perfect timing for Easter and then across the room (our eyes meet instantly) I feel in love with this guy.  TA DA: seth3 How cool would he look on a dining table, console table, and outdoor table in the summer with a plant? My parents were up in town so didn't think I could take him to supper with us after the event but this weekend I'm going to grab him. The thing I love most about decorating is that it constantly and always evolves, just when you think you're finished you see something like this pot and then it takes your space into another direction, elevating, enhancing it, moving it on. But that is the fun part right? The reason I decorate a lot with animals the ceramic sort, the papier-mache sort, the fabric sort you name it is because they instantly make you smile when you walk into a space. They lighten the mood without you having to lift a finger. It takes no skill plonking an animal head on a wall for instance, or a light on a mantle, or a fabric magpie on a shelf but they bring to the table a totally different dialogue and dimension and I for one am pretty obsessed. You don't want to over do it of course (no point in making a space feel silly) but one or two animals dotted around a room  - super cool! I'm off to breakfast at the Heron Tower (very exciting) and then as its Easter no posts from me until Tuesday.  Whatever you may be doing have a lovely weekend - I think we are working on the bedroom, or if the weather is good the garden.  I just want a quiet, pottering around type weekend, cooking from my new recipe book, planting a few things, lighting a fire and taking it a little easy as its been a bit bonkers of late. See you Tuesday

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