Projects - the cool kind

Signing up for a 6.30am Pilates class seemed like an excellent idea on the weekend, but the reality of it on a freezing cold dark morning sucks! Especially as I have to cycle through the park with an icy wind. According to Farming Today (R4 super cool early morning programme) coldest March in 66 years.  If it doesn't improve soon I reckon most people will leave me included - this last week have googled properties to buy in LA, France and Italy! Moaning over, my coffee has just arrived from hubby (thank you honey) and its down to business. [caption id="attachment_4423" align="aligncenter" width="474"]Photography Graham Atkins Hughes Photography Graham Atkins Hughes[/caption] In my new book, Decorating with Style as well as tons of inspirational beautiful photography shot all over the world there are some practical easy projects that help elevate spaces. Nothing to crafty, wishy washy or girly for some reason can't stand anything like that, I want glam, badass interiors not crafty things that look like a school project. I almost don't even want you to think of them as a project. So you might come into my pad and say wow cool stair risers (they are simply papered with tribal wallpaper), or amazing blind (cheap as chips blind wallpapered in a hand blocked print), or cool paneling as per above. Projects that don't look like projects in other words, they look like they are part of the overall scheme, integral to it infact. That is the trick to my kind of decorating - they don't look like projects they look like they are part of the design. Lots more in the book of course. Couple of things before I shoot - am book signing in the store on Saturday if you happen to be in town - do pop in (between 1-3pm). Double plus Gem is in all day on flowers so you get both of us should you also have any floristry questions. Lastly on facebook yesterday I mentioned that I was thinking of hosting Open Call Mondays. We get inundated by designers, artists, suppliers wanting us to take their products and more often than not I have to decline - because they don't quite fit our vibe. However I thought it would be great to highlight each fortnight or once a month (haven't figured it yet) the coolest of the bunch, on the blog, fb etc so you guys get to see some fabulous work. it helps their business and it gives you guys and me for that matter an opportunity to look at some cool work? Good plan do you think? Have to run, haven't spell checked so excuse all the mistakes.

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