On line design class starts tomorrow!

I am attempting to cut out sugar and gluten; I've actually been attempting it for two weeks. All starts well in the morning and through lunch but in the evening after a long day a glass of wine beckons, or something in the recipe has some hidden sugar element in it - and down hill we go. Yesterday was actually my first complete day so lets see how we go. Breakfast this morning consists of a juice smoothie - beetroot, cucumber, celery (I think) and a squeeze of lemon juice - get it from the health food store up the road, oh and some pecan nuts on the side. Tempting? Not so much right! Down to business - my online design school is ready to go which I am very excited about. Passwords will be sent to everyone late this evening or super early tomorrow morning, its a pretty cool feeling having such an international class from New Zealand to Russia, California to Dubai. The class pretty much echoes my vibe, so its full to the brim of tips and tricks that I carry out in my interiors. We’ll be breaking a lot of rules big time. You don't need tons of money to decorate like I do, but you will need to bring to the table the ability to think a little differently. I think when it comes to decorating, and I do this as well sometimes we shut ideas down too soon without examining why we don't really like them. For example as you guys know I am not a lover of pale interiors, but couple pale interiors with some off radar hues and suddenly I'm on board. It’s like a tool box this course, pull out and use from it whatever works for you. The more confident you get the more you push it - a bit like riding a bike right. At first we stick to the neighbourhood and then before you know it we're  cycling up mountains. Exaggerating a little there! Anyways sneak peak below of one of the spreads: [caption id="attachment_4534" align="aligncenter" width="474"]Photography Graham Atkins  Hughes Photography Graham Atkins Hughes[/caption] One more thing before I go - from May (mid May I'm thinking) the blog gets tweaked.  Twice daily blog posts will start. One of the new features is called Style Surgery.   The idea is that you guys can send me an image of your pad coupled with  any decorating dilemmas you may have and I will do my best to help you out. We can also set up a forum whereby we can post before and afters, advice on sources basically connect and yabber about interiors. My idea of heaven!

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