Bigging up headboards
I am the hugest fan of playing around with scale, we all know that right? Â It adds drama it adds intrigue and it propels a room from ordinary to extraordinary in very little time.
If you are a little flumoxed about what to super size how about considering the headboard. There are so many ways you could go when it comes to headboards. Iâve seen simple ones made from MDF, covered in foam and then upholstered, Iâve seen massive tufted velvet ones that literally reach the ceiling but sometimes itâs the unconventional ones that hold the most drama like these below:
How about a piece of super sized art? OK its not a headboard but it acts like one, grounds the room, gives it focus and makes all the items in the space feel dollhouse like.
Or how about a canvas, check out the super cool image below:
Of course you could just have a feature wall like this paneled wall. I have something similar although mine is a little more rustic. Which ever way you go when you go big you ground, centre, elevate and create magic all at the same time!
Gotta love decorating no?