The AA Journal

A while back I mentioned that we were going to start regularly adding editorial content to our website. A sort of fortnightly Journal where I've launched a book club - highlighting some of the coolest design and foodie books around: aaa I'm also highlighting some of the totally amazing pads on my Forum (it was way to tough to whittle down as so many of your pads are amazing guys) so twice monthly I will be posting more. Please join the forum if you fancy interacting with a lot of like minded people, are considering going dark, have already converted, have any design related questions,  and or fancy being part of the Journal. I love the forum seeing all of your amazing pads is totally inspirational. Sneak peak below a Plus another feature on the Journal which I am loving is my Style Panel made up by you guys. A couple of weeks back I asked you who you thought made the best scented candles around and the results are fantastic, thank you so much for posting in. I’ve learnt about so many new brands! Each fortnight I’ll be posting another question on the blog and all you have to do to join the SP team is simply reply to the question via the blog. Easy no? We are also featuring a Q&A entitled Meet the Designer with one of our designers, Dominic Gubb who makes the most, repeat the most amazing dog sculptures from gym rope and old sofas, as well as showcasing What is New and has just come into the store as well as a Get the Look feature. Hope you like this new edition I’m super excited by it, if you click right here it will zap you straight on over!

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