Bank holiday weekend this Monday (yay), although Gem and I are off to Germany on a buying trip for Christmas so itâs a working one and itâs a long one for us. I've spent so much time thinking about the holidays, the look of the store, the kind of things we are after that for a moment when I woke up this morning, I actually thought it was Christmas - I'm like wow its warm for December!
Strange life! Think of us walking around halls with thousands of products some of which are so bad they are migraine inducing. Its the fake life size polar bears and the father Christmas stands where we're wanting to slit our wrists or slug whisky or both, and don't get me on the holiday music.
With autumn fast approaching (autumn I love, winter not so much) our focus comes indoors. Its all about making the indoors cosy and snug, stews on the stove, fires crackling in the grate that kind if stuff. One of the easiest ways of adding warmth and comfort to any room is through textiles; think throws, rugs, cushions they  add an instant layer of luxe and comfort. Sheepskins over chairs (love), fluffy throws over beds (double love), and lots of candles, and autumnal foliage. I'll leave you with an image of one of the new textiles that has just hit our shelves.
In the meantime have a lovely weekend. I've got to go the gym, work in the studio, whiz to the store, whizz to the beauty store  for eyebrows shaping, sorry is that to much information?  Then early tomorrow morn get on a plane. I don't like planes or flying I worry , but I do love Heathrow. If it all goes tits up with this biz then I want to work in Heathrow I don't care what doing - I just love the vibe. People kissing goodbye and being a little sad, people greeting and being oh so happy, people off to foreign climates I love it!
Forgive the rambling don't think Iâve said anything of much worth this morning, glad I entitled the post yabbering x