Morning, a much later post from me this morn as feeling a little under the weather. Not sure if I picked some bug up in Paris as a bit achy and nauseous but who cares found the most amazing things! AMAZING. Cannot wait to get them in and show you guys.
Talking of amazing my hare lamp at Debenhams has sold out! You might find the odd one or two in a few stores but regrettably he has had to come off the website. We are so blown away by the response its been incredible, thank you guys! This weekend was a major shopping one apparently and so he's been snapped up all over the country! . On twitter I'm hearing he has gone to Australia, Sweden, Italy all over, Manchester, Wales so very cool!
penguin is following hotly in the hares footsteps and stocks are getting extremely low I hate to say, its beyond overwhelming. This weekend saw all the remaining pieces of the collection go in from cushions, to candleabras so when I'm feeingl better I'm hot footing it over to Debenhams to take a look at the range again and buy up in this order hare (if I can find one, I know there is one in the window of Westfield so that might be a possibility), a penguin, a
mirror and some
dog cushions cushions. Donezo!