The Larder at Abigail Ahern opening soon
I have some news. There are big changes afoot for the store, at least the back of the store so if anyone is going in today or next week be prepared for the back at least to look a bit like a building site. A while ago Gem and I were on a buying trip, happily yabbering away when we were literally stopped dead in our tracks. One stand compromised of a kitchen and the most amazing larder food. I'm talking incredible chutneys, ketchups, jams, I talking fondants, drinking chocolate with ginger, the most incredibe nibbles, and spice rubs. We tried, we tested we loved but we walked away. That night neither of us slept the next morning over breakfast we agreed we're opening a larder at the back of the store. The chef in question is French he trained in a 3 star Michelin restaurant and although his larder food is known in France and Scandinavia he hasn't been introduced to the UK market until now.
Next week I will unveil whom he is, and in November he will be coming over. We will also be holding a super cool event in my pad for all my lovely alumni who've attended my design classes here at home (or in Australia or NYC if you happen to in town) watch out for an invite in the next 3 or so weeks. I wanted to showcase this amazing new outdoor kitchen we are soon to be stocking, coupled with this incredible larder food, coupled with champagne and a chance to meet everyone again and see if you dared to go dark (if not why not may I ask)!
Because I am not a practical designer (cannot stand even the thought of being so) I'm taking all the storage cupboards out at the back of the store so the kitchen is going there! Yay (not so yay for the team as it means deliveries have to happen a lot more often between warehouse and store) but when they see this larder food they will be skipping and dancing for joy and the practical stuff will be forgotten about. At least that is what I reckon!
So thatâs it - The Larder at Abigail Ahern should (all going well) be open for business at the end of next week. We have to repaint the whole store (we still waiting for the paint from the company in France whose stand I refused to leave until they gave it to us) to sort themselves out so it sort of depends on them a bit. If I have to go to France and walk up and down with a board and a megaphone yelling at the top of my voice to get this darn paint, believe me I will. Big big changers all round, very excited!
One of the recipes below - we're be printing up cool recipe ideas (just like Waitrose hey) this is so exciting. Below slow cooked, slow roasted pork shank brought alive by the most amazing herb essence amongst other things!