Refurb day
Quick post from me seeing as its 4am (so darn early)! Just wanted to let you know (should anyone be thinking of visiting the store today) that it is closed for the refurb but back open tomorrow. As always it hasn't gone quite as smoothly as anticipated, that amazing paint colour I was telling you about is still stuck n Lyon so we're painted the back out Railings and will go over next week when we receive this amazing chocolate pudding browny blacky hue! Not everything I wanted done has been done so (patience being a virtue) it will happen in stages. Back of the store first for the new kitchen and then we will work our way forward. I'm corrugating a wall (my latest obsession) super cool and cheap as chips but that is for another post.
Gotta fly, got to get the two M's out of bed as we have a ton to unload of new stock and they are to young to be left home alone!
I leave you with one of the new products from our larder the most amazing crispy snacks. How can crispy snacks be amazing you may ask, trust me!