Today is Retail Class day. Last one ever I hate to say. The Design Classes will continue of course but regrettably doing both takes too much time out of a schedule that is already a little bonkers.
I forget to tell you guys yesterday that our
Journal is live. Yay hay. Some images below to wet your appetite. With this issue Iâve focused on kitchens; ideas for lifting them, painting them, suggestions on music to listen too whilst pottering in them. Weâve teamed up with one of the coolest music stores in NYC, Other Music  to get a fab playlist.
There is some stuff on food, plus the style panel which you guys weighted in on which is fabulous and makes for really good reading.Oh and check out what I'm clicking on, if any of you guys are into food like I am then you have to check out Dark Rye, links on the page - its amazing! To view this new looking journal click
here (or of course look at it via the site)
Hope you like it, it took quite a bit of work and way longer then we originally thought to get it looking like this but then I guess so do must things in life if you want to do them well right!