Changing up the colour palette
Between Christmas and New Year we are doing a spot of painting. The house desperately needs a re paint and rather than painting over old colours I'm changing the whole palette up. Scary stuff no? Would be far easier to stick with what I know than to dabble into unknown waters. However if you don't take any risks where do you get in life? Nowhere! AND it's only paint we can always paint it back if it doesn't work out which it will, I can feel it in my heart! When it comes to choosing colours follow your heart otherwise you will forever be worrying about what is in and what is out. Someone asked me not so long ago how I will feel when this interest in dark colours fade? No different than I feel now, I replied. I decorate for me know one else, colours come colours go pay no attention to what is hot or not and follow your gut!
So a colour that I haven't used before but I am more and more drawn to it is a sort of a plummy brown if that makes any sense. Obviously it falls into my camp of feeling rich, deep, enigmatic, tantalising but its also a colour that oozes cosiness. Some examples below, oh and Pantone if we were following trends which we are not have announced it is there colour of the year for next year so I guess we will be seeing quite a lot more of it.
Love this hue with the paneling and the dark furniture but brought alive by the modern accents. Super cool, thought it might work in the school room if I can pull something like this off!
Have a lovely Tuesday. I'm just about to hit the gym. Yuk!