No fuss bar tending

It feels like the last days of term where its hard to concentrate on work  and you just want to finish and do all the fun stuff. I'm taking a little vacation (not literally regrettably). There is tons of food prep to do before the big day with visits to Borough Market ( and then if there is time) walks along the Thames to Gordons . Have  you guys been to Gordons its the oldest wine bar in London all underground and purely lit by candles? Perfect in winter plus I can take the kiddos. I love it just before it gets really dark so you come out at dusk and potter back along the Thames as the light rapidly fades. After Christmas  & Boxing Day its full on house painting, starting on the lower ground and working up.  So I won't be blogging or social media ing, or emailing for almost two weeks. As well as painting I've got a ton of novels to get through, some longer walks through the Royal parks with the two M's and the whole of Homeland to watch! So whilst not exactly a vacation its a sort of one. Last day of the blog is tomorrow back on the 2nd Jan! Next year starts off bonkers and continues right on through so I am so desperate for a little time off. So I've written about this before but if you are hosting this year and want to enliven your dining area, kitchen, living room, hall even where ever have a bar! It enlivens any corner. If you want to take it to the next level have stuff on the bar like a lamp or a painting oh and by the way you don't need a bar per se. A trolley, some old table, a shelf anything will do! Its amazing how by just putting a heap of glasses and some cool looking bottles you can take the space to the next level. You can go all out fancy I don't not being such a lover of cocktails so mine is pretty simple, whisky, wine, gin, vodka (toffee vodka to die for btw), brandy maybe some ameretto . Done! gms2

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